Media Library

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Media for 10:00 Service on Sun 11th Nov 2018 10:45

Speaker: Clive Hawkins

Passage: Daniel 6:1-5

Series: Remembrance Sunday

Theme: Integrity

SermonPlay Download

For sermons before July 2018, please go to

Please note that that all talks are copyright © St Mary's Eastrop PCC. You are welcome to copy the recordings for personal use only. For enquiries regarding any other use, please contact the church office.


Talks are also avaliable as a podcast. Click the buttons below, or search for St Mary's Basingstoke in your podcast app (you may need to log in to Google Podcasts with an account verified as 18+ to see it due to a Google issue).


Type in things to search for. Use quotes " for phrases.

e.g. Jan 2009 would get all the services in that month
"Faith that endures" would get the talk with this title
"1 John" would get the sermon series on 1 John
18:30 Fred recent searches for recent sermons by Fred at the evening service
